Below you see a list of International Country Dialing codes, showing also the International Dialing Prefix (IDD) and the Country Calling Code by country.
Almost each country in the world has its own country calling code, it is a single- or up to three-digit number which you have to dial to make a call to that country.
Country | Country Code | Country | Country Code | Country | Country Code |
Algeria | 213 | Greenland | 299 | Oman | 968 |
Andorra | 376 | Grenada | 1809 | Pakistan | 92 |
Angola | 244 | Guadeloupe | 590 | Panama | 507 |
Anguilla | 1264 | Guam | 671 | Papua New Guinea | 675 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 1268 | Guatemala | 502 | Paraguay | 595 |
Antilles (Netherlands) | 599 | Guinea | 224 | Peru | 51 |
Argentina | 54 | Guyana | 592 | Philippines | 63 |
Aruba | 297 | Haiti | 509 | Poland | 48 |
Ascension Island | 247 | Honduras | 504 | Portugal | 351 |
Australia | 61 | Hong Kong | 852 | Puerto Rico | 1787 |
Austria | 43 | Hungary | 36 | Qatar | 974 |
Azores | 351 | Ibiza | 34 | Reunion | 262 |
Bahamas | 1242 | Iceland | 354 | Rodriguez Islands | 230 |
Bahrain | 973 | India | 91 | Romania | 40 |
Bangladesh | 880 | Indonesia | 62 | Rwanda | 250 |
Barbados | 1246 | Iran | 98 | St. Christopher | 1809 |
Belgium | 32 | Iraq | 964 | St. Lucia | 1758 |
Belize | 501 | Irish Republic | 353 | St. Pierre & Miquelon | 508 |
Bermuda | 1441 | Israel | 972 | St. Vincent | 1809 |
Bolivia | 591 | Italy | 39 | Samoa (US) | 684 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | 387 | Jamaica | 1876 | Samoa (Western) | 685 |
Botswana | 267 | Japan | 81 | San Marino | 378 |
Brazil | 55 | Jordan | 962 | Saudi Arabia | 966 |
Brunei | 673 | Kenya | 254 | Senegal | 221 |
Bulgaria | 359 | Kiribati | 686 | Serbia | 381 |
Burundi | 257 | Korea, Republic of (South) | 82 | Seychelles | 248 |
Cambodia | 855 | Kuwait | 965 | Sierra Leone | 232 |
Cameroon | 237 | Lesotho | 266 | Singapore | 65 |
Canada | 1 | Libya | 218 | Solomon Islands | 677 |
Canary Islands | 34 | Liechtenstein | 4175 | Somalia | 252 |
Cayman Islands | 1345 | Luxembourg | 352 | South Africa | 27 |
Chile | 56 | Macau | 853 | Spain | 34 |
China | 86 | Macedonia | 389 | Sri Lanka | 94 |
CIS | 7 | Madagascar | 261 | Sudan | 249 |
Colombia | 57 | Madeira | 35191 | Surinam | 597 |
Congo | 242 | Majorca | 34 | Swaziland | 268 |
Congo, Democratic Republic of | 243 | Malawi | 265 | Sweden | 46 |
Cook Islands | 682 | Malaysia | 60 | Switzerland | 41 |
Costa Rica | 506 | Maldives | 980 | Syria | 963 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 225 | Mali | 223 | Taiwan | 886 |
Croatia | 385 | Malta | 356 | Tanzania | 255 |
Cuba | 53 | Mariana Island | 670 | Thailand | 66 |
Cyprus | 357 | Martinique | 596 | Togo | 228 |
Czech Republic | 42 | Mauritania | 222 | Tonga | 676 |
Demnark | 45 | Mauritius | 230 | Trinidad & Tobago | 1868 |
Djibouti | 253 | Mexico | 52 | Tunisia | 216 |
Dominica | 1809 | Micronesia | 691 | Turkey | 90 |
Dominican Republic | 1809 | Minorca | 34 | Turks & Caicos Islands | 1649 |
Ecuador | 593 | Monaco | 377 | Uganda | 256 |
Egypt | 20 | Montserrat | 1664 | Union of Myanmar | 95 |
El Salvador | 503 | Morocco | 212 | United Arab Emirates | 971 |
Ethiopia | 251 | Namibia | 264 | United Kingdam | 44 |
Falkland Islands | 500 | Nauru | 674 | Uruguay | 598 |
Faroe Islands | 298 | Nepal | 977 | USA | 1 |
Fiji | 679 | Netherlands | 31 | Vanuatu | 678 |
Finland | 358 | Nevis | 1869 | Vatican City | 39 |
France | 33 | New Caledonia | 687 | Venezuela | 58 |
French Guiana | 594 | New Zealand | 64 | Vietnam | 84 |
French Polynesia | 689 | Nicaragua | 505 | Virgin Isles (UK) | 1809 |
Gabon | 241 | Niger | 227 | Virgin Isles (US) | 1340 |
Gambia | 220 | Nigeria | 234 | Yemen Arab Republic | 967 |
Germany | 49 | Nive Island | 683 | Zambia | 260 |
Gibraltar | 350 | Norfolk Island | 672 | Zimbabwe | 263 |
Greece | 30 | Norway | 47 |
* The Dialing Country Code is the prefix number you have to dial to connect your call to the specific country you want to call.
** The International Call Prefix (also called an international access code or an International Direct Dialing code - IDD) is a telephone dialing code used to dial out of a country when making an international call.
In given phone numbers the IDD is often abbreviated by just "+" like in +0123 456 789, to signify that the caller should use the appropriate prefix for the country from where he is calling.
*** National Code (like an Area Code) is the regional number within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) related to island nations and US dependencies in the Caribbean and the South Pacific.
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