King of Dogs

In his native land, Afghanistan, the Afghan Hound excelled as a hunter where he was used against a variety of wild game, such as the antelope, gazelle and snow leopard.
No other breed of dog can claim such exotic beauty and elegance as the Afghan Hound of today.
The American Kennel Club describe the Afghan Hound as an aristocrat. "His whole appearance is one of dignity and aloofness with no trace of plainness or coarseness. He has a straight front, proudly carried head, eyes gazing into the distance as if in memory of ages past. The striking characteristics of the breed-exotic, or "Eastern," expression, long silky topknot, peculiar coat pattern, very prominent hipbones, large feet, and the impression of a somewhat exaggerated bend in the stifle due to profuse trouserings-stand out clearly, giving the Afghan Hound the appearance of what he is, a king of dogs, that has held true to tradition throughout the ages".Descriptions of the Afghan Hound can be difficult unless you live with them, but DigitalDog web site makes an excellent description in plain language and few words:
"The drama of the Afghan Hound would seem unlikely in a world of Labradors and Beagles, and then, you go to a show or a park and meet your first Afghan. Rather like the beautiful girl at school that everyone presumes is snobbish but is instead a bit gentle and shy, the Afghan reserves its happy abandon, total devotion and exuberance for those it knows best. This is not to say that the Afghan is a retiring competitor in Agility or Lure Coursing, indeed, the cloud of hair as they partly sail and partly fly at a full run defies honest description. The most heavily coated of the sighthounds, the Afghan is an ancient breed who's cousins still populate the desert areas striving to earn their keep in a changing world. Imported to the US in 1926, the Afghan quickly earned a place here, where its fanciers are quick to note that the dog is intelligent, perhaps too intelligent to be bribed for a bit of a treat and too aloof to work for someone who lacks sincerity and true enthusiasm for the task. To live and train an Afghan Hound requires respect for a strong minded individual who is happily a teammate but never a forced participant". (From Digital Dog)I was in Montréal in 1954 when I saw my first Afghan Hound and I thought, if I ever have a dog this is the dog I want. That wish was not realized until 1982, when I answered an ad for Afghan Hound puppies. I had not planned to adopt that very day, but as I sat on the floor watching the puppies clown around, this little red brindle came to me, sat on my lap, and did not leave my side until I left carrying her in my arms. Sheba clearly selected me as her guardian on that day. As it turned out, Sheba had a destiny to fill and an important mission in life. She became the most important messenger of peace in my life and educated so many people about kindness to animals. Sheba was one of the most popular dogs on the Internet for more than ten years until 2004, when her site was closed.
Afghan Hound Rescue
to the rescue
to the rescue

July 15, 2008
A multiagency task force rescued 67 Afghan hounds Monday night from the home of a San Miguel County, New Mexico woman.
I must warn you, the Afghan Hound is not the dog for everyone. They are extremely sensitive to stress and can get literally sick to their stomachs, with severe digestive problems when in stressful condition. They are peaceful animals, they have special needs and demand lots of attention and maintenance. But with the right person, Afghan Hounds are delightful and loving companions. I shared my life with at least one Afghan Hound since 1982, and today I can hardly imagine life without one. Nika, my last Afghan, is almost thirteen and I know she has to be the last due to changes in living condition and my age.
As young puppies, they shared my home like members of my family. I brushed, bathed and cared for them until the day they died. I love this breed and I dread the approaching day when I have to say goodbye to Nika. Even in her old age, Nika is still a very proud Afghan; straightening her shoulders and raising her head high when she sees someone coming her way. Never a show dog, but the true spirit of the Afghan Hound.
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