Apple is looking into creating iPhones with bigger screens, specifically 4.7 and 5.7-inchmodels, as early as next year according to areport from Reuters. There are also rumorsthat cheaper iPhone models will be offered in arange of colors.While Apple has not yet commented on thespeculation of larger-screened models, it's notinconceivable to believe that such a device willcome out eventually. The Cupertino companyis currently facing a pretty had battle against ahost of 4.7" to 5" high-end droids, which areeating into the iPhone's market share. And lastyears' iPhone 5 chose that the company iswilling to leave the 3.5-inch comfort zone ithas been inhabiting since the its firstsmartphone debuted in 2007.Apart from the anticipated iPhone 5S, Apple isalso expected to launch a cheaper plasticmodel with 5-6 different color options, todifferentiate it from the mainstream iPhone,which traditionally only comes in black orwhite. Pricing of the cheaper iPhones could be

date could be pushed back to 2014.
Other Reuters' sources indicate that test
production of both the iPhone 5S and plastic
multicolor models will be beginning next
month, with production being ramped up in
August for an anticipated September launch
date. Some 20 million plastic iPhones are expected to ship in Q4 of this year, according to a source in Asia.
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